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WWE Smackdown - January 24, 2014

WWE Smackdown

WWE Smackdown Result - January 24, 2014

Match #1
Real Americans vs Big Show & Rey Mysterio
Big Show starts off and Cesaro and Swagger get beaten around a little. Rey comes in and almost hits a 619 on Swagger but the Real Americans take over, grounding Rey. Big swing from Cesaro. Mysterio makes the hot tag to Big Show. Show dominates Cesaro and Swagger. 619 to Cesaro followed by the KO punch. Rey hits a splash from Show’s shoulders.
Winners: Big Show & Rey Mysterio

Paul Heyman cuts a promo on Big Show about Brock Lesnar.

Match #2
The Miz vs Brodus Clay
Before the match Bad News Barrett comes out. In hilarious fashion he insults Miz and Brodus during the match. Brodus with an elbow to Miz. T-Bone suplex from Brodus. Miz with a DDT.
Winner: The Miz 

Miz tries to chase Barrett after the match. 

Match #3
AJ Lee vs Cameron
AJ dominates this one and after a little offense from Cameron, gets the win with a shining wizard.
Winner: AJ Lee

After the match AJ & Tamina attack but Naomi fights them off.

Match #4
Ryback & Curtis Axel vs Los Matadores
Ryback/Axel dominate most of this one. Tag to one of the Matadores and he hits a DDT on Axel. Ryback gets dropkicked out of the ring. Diego goes to jump onto him but Axel rolls him up for the win. Matadores clean house after and El Torito jumps off the ropes onto Ryback.
Winners: Axel & Ryback

CM Punk cuts a promo on the Royal Rumble and how he’s going to win it from the #1 entry. Kane interrupts but Punk remains extremely confident to win the Rumble.

Match #5
Rowan & Harper vs Prime Time Players
Very short match, Harper gets the pinfall off a spinning lariat on Young.
Winners: Rowan & Harper

Bray hits the Sister Abigail on Young. Daniel Bryan comes out and explains to Bray that he fears nothing.

Match #6
Kofi Kingston vs Fandango
Kofi sends Fandango out of the ring early. Fandango takes control on the outside. Elbows to the head from Fandango. Kofi ducks under Fandango who was jumping off the ropes. Kofi runs off the ropes behind Fandango and hits the Trouble In Paradise for the win.
Winner: Kofi Kingston

Main Event
Big E Langston, Cody Rhodes, Goldust & The Usos vs The Shield & The New Age Outlaws
Big E’s team dominate Ambrose in the opening minutes. Ambrose and The Shield’s team take control of Cody and make quick tags. Cody knocks Rollins out of the ring after a long beatdown away from his teammates. Moonsault to Reigns from Cody. Goldust gets the hot tag. Spinebuster from Goldust to Road Dogg. Moonsault from Goldust to Gunn. Rollins with a flying knee to Goldust as he was setting up for the Curtain Call. All hell breaks loose with both teams brawling. The Usos take out Reigns with the superkick and splash combo. One of the Usos flies out of the ring onto Rollins/Ambrose. Billy Gunn with a fame-asser to the other Uso. Disaster Kick from Cody to Gunn. Pumphandle drop from Road Dogg to Cody. Rollup from Goldust to Road Dogg but Shield interferes and the brawl continues.
Winners via DQ: Team Big E

The roster starts clearing towards the ring, all brawling to hype the Rumble. Punk comes out last and brawls with The Shield as the show ends.

source : pwmania
WWE Smackdown - January 24, 2014
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WWE Main Event - January 22, 2014

WWE Main Event

WWE Main Event Result - January 22, 2014

WWE taped the January 22, 2014 WWE Main Event episode from the Van Andel Arena in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Here are full WWE Main Event spoilers. 

Dark Match

* Naomi defeated Emma

WWE Main Event

* R-Truth vs. Damien Sandow is up first. Xavier Woods is on commentary. There were lots of near falls in the match. Truth gets the win via pinfall.

* The Bella Twins talk trash on the big screen.

* Aksana and Alicia Fox vs. The Bella Twins is next. The Bellas win by pinfall.

* Sin Cara vs. Alberto Del Rio is up next. There were a lot of crazy spots in this match. Cara’s mask ended up coming off and Hunico’s face was exposed. Del Rio gets the win via cross armbreaker. After the match, Del Rio cut a promo but Cara attacked him in the middle of it.
source : pwmania
WWE Main Event - January 22, 2014
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WWE RAW - January 20, 2014

WWE RAW Result - January 20, 2014

We open the show with a video package honoring Martin Luther King. We then cut to the ring with Triple H and Stephanie McMahon. They welcome us to Monday night Raw. Triple H says this Sunday starts the road to Wrestlemania. He then says the Royal Rumble is this Sunday where 30 superstars will get a chance to main event Wrestlemania and have a shot at the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. He then says he is ready to welcome us to the return of one of those superstars, before Randy Orton interrupts.

Orton insults the Authority and Stephanie stops him. She says with the WWE Network approaching, more people are beginning to watch WWE, and she wants to know what he was thinking when he attacked Cena’s father. She says his actions were disgusting and not of a champion. Stephanie threatens Orton of his job and then Orton says this was all on them. He says if it wasn’t for an unnecessary rematch at the Royal Rumble, he wouldn’t have flipped over the edge. He then says Triple H repays him by bringing back monsters like Batista and Brock Lesnar. He says he would do what he did last week all over again if he had the chance.

Triple H says he has faith in Orton but Orton doesn’t have faith in himself. He says that is why he lost to Kofi Kingston. And instead of rising up, he attacks a defenseless man. He says everyone is breathing on his neck wanting his championship and he needs to make this right. He says he will get a rematch against Kofi and he will get a chance to make it right with John Cena. Batista’s music then hits!

Batista gets in the ring and before he talks he kisses the mat and gives a hug to Stephanie and Hunter. They hand him a mic and leave the ring, where it is only Orton and Batista left. Randy offers Batista a handshake but Batista doesn’t give him one. Batista says that he knows Orton has questions on why he is back. Batista says the reason he is back is for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. He says he doesn’t care who is champion, but he is back to win the Rumble, headline Wrestlemania, and be the WWE World Heavyweight champion, and then says Orton to “deal with it”. Batista drops the mic and leaves the ring.

We are told Big Show and Brock Lesnar will go face to face tonight and that Big E Langston, and the Brotherhood will face the Shield in a 6 man tag team match after the commercial break.

Big E Langston and The Brotherhood vs The Shield

Big E and Ambrose start the match. Big E starts with a big shoulder block. Rollins is tagged and picked up and thrown down by Big E. Goldust is tagged and hits a back body drop. Goldust then hits a kick to the head for a two count. Cody is tagged in and hits a stalled suplex for a 2 count. Cody tags in Goldust and hits an elbow to the head. Cody is tagged back in but Rollins finally fights back with an elbow. Rollins begins to stomp on Cody in the corner, but then gets caught in a roll up. Cody goes for the disaster kick but Rollins leaves the ring. Cody hits a springboard cross body on  Rollins to the outside and both teams have a stare down as we head to commercial.

We return with Cody and Reigns in the ring. Reigns stops Cody from making a tag. Rollins is tagged in and hits a running dropkick. Rollins begins to work on Cody in the corner, but Cody gets out. Cody tries to make a tag but Reigns is tagged in and stops him. Cody hits a disaster kick on Reigns and both men are down. Big E makes the tag as is Ambrose. Big E goes for the Big Ending but Rollins stops him. Chaos insues and Reigns hits a superman punch on Cody and a Spear on Goldust. Reigns is taken out and Rollins is tagged in. Rollins shoves Big E’s face in the mat with his foot and gets the 3 count.

Winners: The Shield

We are shown a video package of Bryan turning on the Wyatt Family last week.

We return with Daniel Bryan in the ring leading the crowd in Yes chants. Bryan says after last night, people were asking him if he had a plan. He says we all figured out that answer, but in order to defeat Bray, he must also defeat him mentality. Bryan says he had to do a lot of things he wasn’t proud of, but it was worth it for that one moment. Bryan than says he exposed Bray Wyatt for who he was, and that he was informed that Harper and Rowan are in the Rumble match, which means he can have Bray Wyatt in singles competition. Bray cuts him off on the titantron.

Bray says that he wasn’t exposed, but it was Bryan who was exposed. He says the only reason they cheer for him is because they have knelt like sheep. He then says for Bryan to go home and tell his mom he loves her and he is sorry because everything that will happen to him from now on is his fault. The camera cuts and we head to commercial.

Fandango vs Xavier Woods

Woods starts off with a hurricanrana, and then takes Fandango down with a dropkick. Fandango dodges a dropkick and hits him with a suplex. Fandango hits a leg drop for the 3 count in a quick match.

Winner: Fandango

We go backstage with Kane and Brad Maddox. Stephanie comes in and asks Maddox to leave for a second. Stephanie asks what Kane was thinking when she chokeslammed Punk on Smackdown. She says he needs to act more responsible and that Kane can not put his hands on any WWE Superstar. Stephanie then says that Kane owes CM Punk an apology.

We return with Kane making his way to the ring. Kane asks for CM Punk to come out to the ring, and CM Punk listens and comes out. Kane says that as Director of Operations, he let his emotions get the best of him and that he apologizes. CM Punk says he couldn’t hear what he said and that he should say it again. Kane says it again and CM Punk says that he is sorry too and begins to attack Kane. Maddox comes out and says that he will give Punk what he wants and it is a match against one of the Outlaws.

Billy Gunn vs CM Punk

CM Punk starts off in control knocking Gunn to the outside. CM Punk goes outside and is distracted by Road Dogg, and Billy Gunn attacks him from behind. Gunn is in control as we head to commercial. We return with CM Punk putting Gunn in a sleeper hold. Gunn hits a suplex and goes for a cover that gets a 2 count. Gunn puts Punk in a headlock and as Punk fights out Gunn hits a dropkick. Gunn tells him to suck it and Punk kicks him in the head. Gunn falls to the outside and Punk goes out and attacks Road Dogg. Punk gets back in the ring and hits his comeback on Gunn.

Gunn takes back control and goes for a splash in the corner but misses. Punk goes for the elbow drop but Road Dogg pulls Gunn out of the ring. Punk then hits a suicide dive onto Road Dogg but then gets in the ring. Punk dodges a Fame-Asser and hits the GTS for the win.

Winner: CM Punk

Kane comes out and says that Punk can prove himself in the Rumble match as the Best in the World as he gets to be entrant number 1 in the Royal Rumble. We see Brock Lesnar and Heyman enter the arena from the back as we head to commercial break.

We return with a video package of statistics of the Royal Rumble match. We are then given a video package of the late, great Mae Young.

Rey Mysterio vs Alberto Del Rio

Del Rio starts off with a headlock take down, but Mysterio gets out and both men get back on the feet. Del Rio then gets a kick to the chest for a two count. Mysterio takes control but Del Rio keeps him grounded. Del Rio goes for a kick but Mysterio dodges it and brings Del Rio to the outside. Mysterio then hits a springboard moonsault to the outside and brings Del Rio back in the ring. Mysterio then hits 10 punches in the corner, but Del Rio gets Mysterio caught in the ropes and stomps him to the ground.

Del Rio goes top rope and hits an axe handle and goes for the cover. Del Rio only gets a two count and puts Mysterio in a headlock. Del Rio then hits a tilt a whirl backbreaker and gets a 2 count. Del Rio throws Mysterio to the outside, where Mysterio lands on his injured arm. Mysterio stays down as we head to commercial break. We return with Del Rio throwing Mysterio into the steel steps.

Del Rio brings him back in the ring and goes for the cover for a 2 count. Del Rio tries to take the mask off but Mysterio gets to the outside to try and regroup. Del Rio brings him back in the ring and begins to stretch Mysterios body against the steel post. Mysterio tries to fight back but is thrown right into the ring post. Del Rio tries to attack Mysterio in the corner but Mysterio moves and Del Rio runs into the post. Mysterio then hits a diving senton on Del Rio and both men are down.

Mysterio then hits a seated senton from the top rope and follows it with a kick to the head. Mysterio goes for the cover but only gets a 2 count. Mysterio then sets up Del Rio for the 619 but Del Rio catches him. Del Rio then hits his kick to the head but Mysterio kicks out at two. Mysterio then reverses the arm breaker into the 619 and hits it! Mysterio hits the splash but only gets the two count as Del Rio grabbed the rope. Del Rio then slams Mysterio into the mat and Del Rio locks in the arm breaker for the win.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio

Del Rio celebrates but Batista comes out! Batista hits a spinebuster on Del Rio and follows it with a Batista Bomb! We are told Big Show and Brock Lesnar will go face to face next.

We return with Big Show making his way to the ring. Big Show says that this Sunday is the biggest match of his life. He says Brock Lesnar is the beast incarnate, but that doesn’t change the fact he doesn’t like him. He says that if Brock is here than he should make his way down to the ring.

Paul Heyman comes out and then follows Brock Lesnar. Brock makes his way down to the ring, but stops and makes his way back to the backstage. Big Show grabs the mic and calls out Brock one more time. Brock comes back out and makes his way back down to the ring. Brock stops at the end of the entrance ramp and after thinking about it, makes his way into the ring. Big Show and Lesnar begin to brawl where Big Show throws him around, and all the way to the outside! Brock begins to destroy the announce table with the chair and throws it in the ring where Big Show grabs it. Brock looks on as he slowly retreats to the back with Big Show standing tall.

AJ Lee and Tamina Snuka vs Naomi and Cameron

Cameron and Tamina start off the contest. Tamina starts it off with a scoop slam, and tags in AJ. AJ hits a neckbreaker and goes for the cover but only gets a 2 count. Cameron fights back but can not make the tag. Tamina is tagged in and hits a knee to gut of Cameron. Cameron hits Tamina with a knee to the head and tags in Naomi. Naomi begins to take out Tamina until she is kicked in the head. AJ is tagged in and skips around Naomi, but is then rolled up for the 3 count.

Winners: Cameron and Naomi

We are told up next is the Uso’s vs Luke Harper and Eric Rowan.

The Uso’s vs Eric Rowan and Luke Harper

Harper and Jimmy Uso start off the contest. Harper beats him down and tags in Rowan. Rowan continues the beat down with stomps to the head. Rowan throws him to the outside and tags in Harper. Harper goes to the outside but Harper gets taken down. Jimmy tags in Jey and Jey flies to the outside on Harper. Both men get in the ring and begin to exchange blows. Jimmy is tagged in and hits a cross body on Harper. Rowan comes in and takes out Jey. throwing him to the outside. Harper hits Jimmy with a kick to the head and tags in Rowan.

Rowan hits a scoop slam and puts his fists on the temple of Jimmy Uso. Rowan throws Jimmy onto the ground and continues to squeeze his fists on Jimmy’s head. Jimmy fights back with a shot to the head but Rowan maintains control. Harper is tagged in and goes for a cover for a 2 count. Jimmy fights back and goes up top but is thrown to the outside by Harper helplessly. Jimmy is down as we head to commercial.

We return with Jimmy Uso being dominated by Harper. Jimmy tries to make a comeback but is taken down by Harper. Bray grabs a microphone and says that this is the type of punishment that awaits Daniel Bryan. Bray says they are the reapers and that Hell awaits Daniel Bryan. Harper continues to punish Jimmy, but Jimmy fights back and hits a corkscrew senton. Jey gets tagged in and begins the comeback on Harper. Jimmy takes out Rowan and Harper takes control of Jey. Daniel Bryan comes out and assaults Bray Wyatt! Jey rolls up Harper in the ring for the 3 count!

Winners: The Usos

The Usos and Daniel Bryan lead the Yes chants on the entrance ramp as the Wyatt Family looks on. Up next is Randy Orton vs Kofi Kingston as John Cena “has yet to arrive”.

Kofi Kingston vs Randy Orton

Orton starts off the match beating Kofi in the corner, and hitting him with an uppercut. Kofi fights right back as Orton is distracted waiting for Cena to make his way to the arena. Kofi begins to beat down Orton to the outside, but Orton finally takes advantage, slamming Kofis head on the announcers table twice.

Orton brings Kofi in the ring and goes for the cover but only gets a two count. Kofi begins to fight back once again with a forearm to the face of Orton in the corner. Orton however throws Kofi into the middle turnbuckle and tries to mount offense on Kofi. Orton hits a suplex in the middle of the ring and looks at the ramp waiting for Cena. Orton goes back to Kofi and gets rolled up for a 2 count. Orton hits a clothesline and goes for the cover but also gets a 2 count.

Orton puts Kofi on the middle rope for the DDT but Kofi gets out and hits the SOS for the 2 count. Orton is beating on Kofi and we are shown Cena arriving to the building. Cena comes down to the ring and Kofi doesn’t let Orton retreat. Cena begins to beat down Orton.

Winner (By DQ) : Randy Orton

Cena begins to beat down Orton in the fans as Orton tries to retreat. Cena tries for an AA in the stands but Orton gets out. Orton gets to the outside and gets in a car, as Cena stands outside frustrated. Cena comes back to the arena and celebrates with the fans as Raw goes off the air.
source : pwmania

WWE RAW - January 20, 2014
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WWE Smackdown - January 17, 2014

WWE Smackdown
WWE Smackdown Result - January 17, 2014

Match #1
New Age Outlaws vs Cody Rhodes & Goldust

Goldusst and Road Dogg start off. Billy and Road Dogg work over Goldust a bit. Powerslam from Goldust. Cody Rhodes makes the hot tag and lays a beatdown to Billy Gunn. Springboard front dropkick takes out Road Dogg and Gunn. Cody with the disaster kick after reversing the fame-asser. Vickie Guerrero interrupts and Billy Gunn rolls up Rhodes for the win.

Winners: New Age Outlaws

Match #2
Alberto Del Rio vs Rey Mysterio

Mysterio talks about Batista before Del Rio attacks him. Rey knocks Del Rio out of the ring and slides out, splashing onto him. JBL and Miz going at it on commentary. Del Rio trips up Rey on the top rope. Mysterio and Del Rio go back and forth before Del Rio takes control. Rey with a kick to the head on the ground. JBL with a flying enziguri while Rey is on the top rope. Mysterio hits the 619 but Del Rio gets his knees up for the splash. Mysterio with the roll up off a missed superkick for the win.

Winner: Rey Mysterio

Del Rio attacks Rey and locks him in the cross armbreaker.

Bray Wyatt cuts a promo in the ring about Daniel Bryan and talks about how his father and how he was never there for him. He says Bryan deceived him and betrayed him.

Match #3
Tamina Snuka vs Naomi

Tamina tosses Naomi out of the ring. Tamina tosses Naomi up in the air and she nearly lands on her head. Tamina takes control. AJ tries to distract Naomi but Cameron takes her out. Enziguri from Naomi and a split legged moonsault on the ropes for the win.

Winner: Naomi

Tribute to Mae Young. RIP Mae.

Paul Heyman cuts a promo in the ring announcing that Lesnar will be on Raw Monday. Big Show comes out and Heyman runs out of the ring. Big Show says he will KO Brock.

CM Punk with Renee Young says that he’s going to call out the Shield and New Age Outlaws tonight.

Match #4
Fandango vs Big E Langston

Big E starts off with some power but Fandango hits him with double knees to the face and kicks him out of the ring. Back in the ring Fandango keeps control for a short time before Big E takes over with a belly to belly suplex. Diving body attack from Langston. Big E with the Big Ending for the win.

Winner: Big E Langston

The Ultimate Warrior is being inducted into the Hall of Fame!

Shield interview with Renee Young that shows possible breaking between The Shield. They talk about eliminating each other in the Rumble but eventually come back to their senses and unite.

Match #5
The Usos vs Real Americans

Usos are rocking bandages from the cage match. Swagger and Cesaro go to work early, tagging between each other. Big Swing from Cesaro. Jimmy Uso with a spinning moonsault off the ropes to Swagger. Tag to Jey Uso. Cesaro uses Zeb Colter (who is in a wheel chair) to avoid the Usos. Jimmy Uso gets a hold of the wheelchair and pushes Zeb right into Cesaro. Electric chair drop from Jey. Splash from Jimmy for the win.

Winners: The Usos

CM Punk time. Punk comes out and addresses the actions of the Outlaws from Monday. Punk says that the authority is behind The Outlaws attacking him. Punk says that when he talks people listen and that’s real power. The Shield and Outlaws surround the ring. Kane comes out and tells them to stand down. Kane says the authority wants him to win the Rumble and that Kane is supposed to protect his rights. Punk calls Kane a sell out and suck up. Kane chokeslams him to end the show.
Source : pwmania
WWE Smackdown - January 17, 2014
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WWE RAW - January 06, 2014


WWE RAW Result - January 06, 2014
- The first WWE RAW of 2014 kicks off with an old school graphic and intro. Michael Cole welcomes us to Old School RAW from Baltimore. We've got the old RAW set and everything. The music hits and out comes Ric Flair to the ring. It sounds like only Cole and JBL on commentary so far, no Jerry Lawler. We see footage from Flair talking to the San Francisco 49ers this past weekend. Flair hits the ring, with red, white and blue ropes, and welcomes us to Old School RAW. Flair hypes tonight's show as only The Nature Boy can. Flair drops the mic and struts around the ring. The music hits and out comes WWE World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton. 

Orton says he has the utmost respect for Flair and talks about learning so much from Flair when he broke into the business. Orton can't thank Flair enough for that. Orton says tonight isn't only about the Legends and the Hall of Famers, tonight is about Orton also. Fans boo. Orton says Flair must agree when Orton says he's the best and the champion of champions. Orton asks Flair to leave the ring so he can get something off his chest. Fans chant "no" and Flair doesn't leave. Orton brings up Stephanie McMahon making his Royal Rumble match against John Cena last week. Orton doesn't agree that it's best for business. He says it's absolute garbage. Orton wants The Authority to reverse their decision and cancel Cena's rematch. Orton says he's already proven he's the man. Flair interrupts and says he's not sure if Orton is the man. Flair says in his day if you were world champion, you performed 7 days a week. Flair says he did that for three decades and that's why he has two Hall of Fame rings. Flair says Orton should face Cena again. Orton says Flair is the most overrated star in history. Flair talks about how he and Triple H recruited Orton. Flair says Orton had this and that but also brings an immature punk attitude he's never grown out of. Flair wonders if when Orton goes home at night and closes the door, if he's really a man. Orton threatens to go old school on Flair's ass right now. They drop the mics but here comes John Cena. 

Cena gets a very mixed reaction. He embraces Flair and addresses Orton, calling him a scumbag. Cena rips Orton for coming at Flair like that and calling him overrated. Cena says Orton belongs nowhere close to Flair's resume. Cena challenges Orton to a fight and gets ready for one. Orton exits the ring with his titles and holds them high in the air as Flair and Cena hug. Cena's music hits and he raises Flair's arm in the air as fans cheer. Flair and Cena strut around the ring to end it. 

- We go to Cole and JBL at ringside, dressed in old school gear. Cole says Jerry Lawler is under the weather and had some heart issues but his heart is fine. Cole promises an update on Lawler on the WWE App. 

- They show us video from last week where Daniel Bryan joined The Wyatt Family. The Wyatt Family will be up next as Bryan, Harper and Rowan will face The Usos and Rey Mysterio. We go to commercial. 

The Usos and Rey Mysterio vs. Daniel Bryan, Luke Harper and Erick Rowan 

Back from the break and the team of The Usos and Rey Mysterio wait in the ring. The lights go out, Bray Wyatt lights the lantern and The Wyatt Family make their way out. Daniel Bryan walks right beside Bray and is dressed in his blue jumpsuit. The lights come on and Bryan doesn't look happy to be here. Fans chant "yes" as Bryan leans down to get an order from Wyatt. Harper, Bryan and Rowan head to the ring. There are some "yes!" and Bryan chants. 

Harper starts off with one of the Usos and they go at it. Harper tags in Bryan to a big pop that dies down quickly. Mysterio also tags in. Rey tells Bryan this is not him. Bryan attacks Rey and lays him out. Bryan with knees to the face and a big running knee to the gut. Rey ends up sending Bryan out to the floor. Bray yells at Bryan to go get Rey as we go to commercial. 

We come back and Rowan is in control of Jey Uso. Rowan with a big fallaway slam. Bryan tags back in and they double team Uso. Bryan unloads with kicks as some fans chant "yes." Bryan chokes Uso on the ropes and hits a running dropkick to the back of the head. Bray laughs from his rocking chair. Rowan tags back in for more double teaming. Rowan runs into a big boot int he corner. Uso nails a superkick and tag in Rey. Rey comes off the top and splashes on Rowan. Rey with the scissors takedown and more shots. Rowan grabs Rey for a powerbomb but Rey counters and drops him for 619. Jimmy tags in as Rey hits 619 on Rowan. Rowan dodges the Superfly Splash from Uso. Bryan tags himself into the match. Harper tags himself in right away and there's a staredown between the Wyatts. Harper goes to unload but gets rolled up by Uso for the win. 

Winners: Rey Mysterio and The Usos 

- After the bell, Bray Wyatt hits the ring and The Wyatt Family guards the ring. The Wyatt Family stares down Rey and The Usos as they head to the back. 

- Still to come, Roddy Piper will bring The Shield into Piper's Pit. Also, CM Punk vs. Roman Reigns will be our main event. Back to commercial. 

- We see what happened with Damien Sandow and The Great Khali last week. We go backstage to Brad Maddox. He's with Bob Backlund, Arn Anderson and Sgt. Slaughter. Fans can vote on the WWE App for which Legend will be the special referee for Sandow vs. Khali. They walk off and Kane walks in. Kane asks if Maddox has anything to say to his face. Kane's not happy about Maddox talking about him last week. Kane's not going to threaten Maddox because that would be grounds for getting fired, according to the WWE Handbook. Kane teases going back to the monster and says he can make sure Maddox is never seen or heard from again. 

- Big E Langston is backstage walking. We see Nikolai Volkoff singing. We see Ted DiBiase, Sr. talking to Aksana. He tells Big E everyone has a price and starts laughing. Irwin R. Schyster appears and reminds us to pay out taxes. Big E walks off laughing. We go to commercial. 

Curtis Axel vs. Big E Langston 

Back from the break and everyone is in the ring for this non-title match. Ryback is on commentary. Ryback catches Axel early on and hits a big backbreaker. Big E misses a shoulder thrust in the corner and hits the ring post. Axel takes advantage and beats Big E down. Axel with a headlock now. 

Curtis nails a big dropkick and knocks Big E out of the ring with a running knee. They go on. Ryback provides distraction but Big E still gets the win with The Big Ending. 

Winner: Big E Langston 

- We see Roddy Piper walking backstage. Back to commercial. 

Back from the break and out comes Roddy Piper to a big pop. Piper hits the ring, which is set up for Piper's Pit, and the crowd chants his name big time. Piper says he was old school before old school was cool. The Shield's music interrupts and out comes United States Champion Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins. Ambrose rips on Piper and says he should be thankful The Shield wasn't around when he was. Piper says this is Piper's Pit, not Ambrose's Alley and gets in Ambrose's face. Piper says only one guy can match him on the mic and that is CM Punk. The crowd pops for Punk's name. 

Piper repeats Punk's name as the fans chant it. Ambrose gets upset. Rollins calms him down. Rollins says there are no cracks in The Shield. He says Piper is jealous because Ambrose is a better US Champion than Piper ever was. Piper says they couldn't beat Punk and addresses Roman Reigns. Piper wonders if Reigns beats Punk tonight, does that make him better than the rest of The Shield. Piper tries to stir things up in the group. Reigns stands up and gets in Piper's face. Reigns says he's going to beat Punk tonight. He says if Piper ever touches him again, he will break Piper's old ass in half. They back Piper into the ropes when CM Punk's music hits. Punk and The New Age Outlaws hit the ring to make the save. Punk and The Outlaws clear the ring and celebrate with Piper. 

- Still to come, Punk vs. Reigns in singles action. 

- We see footage of the brawl between Mark Henry and Brock Lesnar last week. Lesnar and Paul Heyman will be here later. Back to commercial. 

Sin Cara vs. Alberto Del Rio 

Back from the break and out comes Sin Cara in new purple, white and gold gear. His opponent Alberto Del Rio is out next. The bell rings and Del Rio unloads, beating Cara down to the mat. Cara's blue lighting is being used after it wasn't over the weekend. Cara with a quick roll up for 2. Cara with more offense and another roll up. Cara with more offense and counters on Del Rio. Del Rio counters with an arm drag and covers for a 2 count. Del Rio with more offense and another pin attempt before going to a headlock. Cara fights back but Del Rio throws him to the mat. Del Rio counters a tornado DDT but gets taken down by a springboard elbow. Cara with a 1 count. 

Cara misses a splash from the top. Del Rio takes advantage and superkicks Cara in the face. Del Rio covers for the quick win. 

Winner: Alberto Del Rio 

- After the match, Del Rio takes the mic and says people should think of him when they talk about the Royal Rumble but everyone is talking about Batista. Del Rio says he will eliminate Batista at the Rumble and go on to win it. 

- Voting is open on the WWE App for the special referee for Khali vs. Sandow. Back to commercial. 

- Daniel Bryan is backstage with Erick Rowan and Luke Harper. He says he came to this family to learn, to be transformed, he wanted to join. He says he can also teach because he's been a tag team champion. Bryan wants to team with Rowan or Harper next week. Bray Wyatt appears and says that won't be necessary because Bryan will be teaming with him. 

Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro vs. Goldust and Cody Rhodes 

We go tot he ring and Zeb Colter is out with The Real Americans. Out next comes WWE Tag Team Champions Cody Rhodes and Goldust for a non-title match. Swagger and Goldust start things off and go at it. Lots of back and forth with quick tags from both teams. Fans chant "we the people" as Cesaro keeps Goldust down with a headlock. Goldust fights out but Cesaro takes him to the corner and tags in Swagger for some double teaming and another pin attempt. Cesaro with another headlock. Cesaro runs into a big boot. Goldust with a hurricanrana out of the corner. Cody tags in and nails a missile dropkick for a 2 count. 

Cody drops Cesaro and nails a Disaster Kick on Swagger. Cody turns around to a big uppercut from Cesaro. They send Cody out to the floor as we go back to commercial. 

Back from the break and Swagger is in control of Cody. During the break, Cesaro hit a Cesaro Swing on Cody. Swagger with a big slam and a Swagger Bomb out of the corner. Cesaro tags in and does a double team stomp on Cody's chest for a 2 count. Swagger keeps Cody grounded again. Cesaro tags in for more double teaming but Cody counters. He dumps Cesaro and Swagger to the floor. Cesaro runs in and knocks Goldust off the apron, stopping a tag. Cody backdrops Cesaro but has nobody to tag. Cesaro with an uppercut to the back of the head and a roll up for 2. 

Cesaro charges in the corner but misses, hitting the turnbuckle Swagger comes in and blocks a Disaster Kick, slamming Cody. Swagger goes for the Patriot Lock but Cody fights it. Swagger gets it locked. Cody crawls for the bottom rope but Swagger pulls him back. Goldust runs in and breaks the hold. Goldust tags in and unloads on Swagger. Goldust with a big spinebuster. Goldust pulls Cesaro in the ring and goes up top for a crossbody on both men. It's chaos as Swagger and Goldust are the legal men. Goldust gets the pin on Swagger for the win. 

Winners: Cody Rhodes and Goldust 

- Diamond Dallas Page is backstage stretching when Booker T walks in. DDP plugs his DDP Yoga program, as does Booker. DDP brings out his DVD and shows it off. He says it will have Booker doing the spinarooni better than ever. DDP shows Booker a move. Booker shows DDP a move from Booker T Yoga and jokes that he's pulled a muscle. Ron Simmons walks up and we get a big, "DAMN!" 

The Great Khali vs. Damien Sandow 

Back from the break and out comes Ranjin Singh with The Great Khali as Damien Sandow waits in the ring. Fans voted on the WWE App and the special referee for this match will be Sgt. Slaughter, as announced by JBL at ringside. Slaughter won with 55% of the vote and out he comes. 

They go at it after the bell. Khali takes Sandow to the corner and beats him down. Khali stomps away now. Khali with a big chop to the chest. Sandow finally fights back and unloads on Khali in the corner. Sandow argues with Slaughter and goes back to work on Khali. Khali shoves him tot he mat and drops him with an elbow to the face. Khali drops Sandow again and clotheslines him twice. Khali lays Sandow out again and covers him for the pin. This time, Sandow's leg was on the bottom rope so it looks like we're in for another rematch. 

Winner: The Great Khali 

- After the bell, Sandow argues with Slaughter about his foot being on the ropes. Sandow shoves Slaughter. Slaughter shoves him back and locks him in the Camel Clutch. Sandow goes out and Slaughter kicks him out of the ring before raising Khali's arm. Slaughter goes to leave but Khali brings him back in the ring to dance. 

- We see Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman walking backstage. Back to commercial. 

- Back from commercial and out comes Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman. Lesnar introduces himself and Lesnar, calling Lesnar the #1 contender for the WWE World Heavyweight Title. Heyman says Lesnar has some problems with the term "old school." Lesnar thinks it means when one man reigns supreme and destroys the entire locker room to be the man. Like back in the day, Bruno Sammartino reigned supreme and everyone wanted a piece of him. That was old school. Hulk Hogan, the same thing goes for him. Heyman also mentions Steve Austin. Heyman says today, one man reigns supreme and is the champion but after the Royal Rumble, it won't matter if it's Cena or Orton because their time will be very limited. Heyman says Lesnar is coming for the title. Heyman says there's nobody in WWE, MMA or professional sports that can compete with Lesnar. Heyman talks about Lesnar destroying Mark Henry last week. 

Heyman goes on and here comes Mark Henry for revenge. Henry's shoulder and ribs are taped up under his shirt. Henry hits the ring and they start brawling. Henry backs Lesnar up but Lesnar comes back with knees tot he gut. Lesnar drops Henry and applies the kimura lock. Lesnar snaps Henry's arm back, apparently breaking it. Heyman raises Lesnar's arm up and his music hits. They leave the ring as trainers come in to check on Henry. As they're going to the back, Big Show's music hits and out he comes. 

Show slowly walks and stares at Lesnar, backing him towards the ring. Lesnar gets in the ring and tells Show to bring it. Show enters the ring and goes at Lesnar but Lesnar leaves. The fans boo as Heyman and Lesnar look at Show from outside the ring. Show just continues to give Lesnar a nasty look. Heyman gets on the apron, distracting Show. Lesnar hits the ring but Show catches him. Show tosses Lesnar all the way across the ring and out of it, shocking Lesnar. Heyman tries to keep Lesnar in control and stop him from going back to the ring. Lesnar looks to be limping as we go to replays. Show's music hits as Lesnar and Heyman make their way to the back. 

- We get a look back at Randy Orton, John Cena and Ric Flair in the opening segment tonight. Still to come, Punk vs. Reigns in the main event. Back to commercial. 

The Bella Twins vs. Aksana and Alicia Fox 

We go to the ring and out come The Bella Twins while Aksana and Alicia Fox wait in the ring. Alicia starts off with Nikki and they go at it. Nikki ends up getting thrown out of the ring after being in control. She slaps Alicia on her way back in the ring. Alicia works on Nikki's bad leg and gets a 2 count. Aksana tags in and keeps up the attack on Nikki. Nikki finally turns it around and tags in Brie. Brie unloads and dropkicks Aksana. Brie misses a splash from the second rope. Askana takes advantage and covers Brie for the win. 

Winners: Aksana and Alicia Fox 

- More hype for the big WWE announcement on Wednesday. 

- We see Too Cool backstage walking to the ring. Back to commercial. 

Too Cool vs. 3MB 

Back from the break and Heath Slater has returned. He's out with Jinder Mahal and Drew McIntyre. Out next comes Rikishi, Scotty 2 Hotty and "Grandmaster Sexay" Brian Christopher for a six-man match. Jinder and Christopher start things off going at it. Christopher hits a missile dropkick from the corner. Christopher hits a big bulldog and tags in Scotty. They double team Jinder. McIntyre tags in and goes at it with Scotty. Scotty with the big faceplant and The Worm but McIntyre lays him out with a big boot. Jinder comes back in for some double teaming and a 2 count on Scotty. Fans chant for Rikishi to come in. McIntyre with a suplex and a 2 count on Scotty. Scotty nails a neckbreaker and tags in Rikishi as Jinder comes in. Rikishi unloads on Jinder with right hands. Rikishi tosses McIntyre over the top. Slater comes in but rolls out of the ring on his own. Rikishi goes for a pin but McIntyre breaks it. McIntyre and Mahal double team Rikishi until he clotheslines them both. Christopher with the big leg drop from the top. McIntyre goes for a roll up on Rikishi but Rikishi splashes down on him for the win. 

Winners: Too Cool 

- After the match, Too Cool dances in the ring. 

- We come back from commercial and all the Legends are brought out for an applause and introduction - The Godfather, Ric Flair, Diamodn Dallas page, Ron Simmons, Too /Cool, Bob Backlund, Money Inc., Arn Anderson, Booker T, Nikolai Volkoff, Sgt. Slaughter, Roddy Piper and Ted DiBiase, Sr. The music hits, the podium rises high in the air with Bad News Barrett, who rips the Legends for being wash-ups. Back to commercial. 

- Back from the break and out comes Mean Gene Okerlund. Gene does his old school hotline promo. Gene introduces The New Age Outlaws. They hit the ring and do their usual promo before introducing CM Punk. 

CM Punk vs. Roman Reigns 

The Outlaws will be at ringside to provide support for Punk. Out next comes The Shield. Reigns and Punk lock up to start. Reigns overpowers Punk but they trade holds. Punk takes Reigns down with a headlock and keeps him grounded. Reigns fights to his feet and drops Punk with a big shoulder. They stare each other down as we go to commercial. 

Back from the break and they're going at it on the apron. Reigns sends Punk flying into the ring post and he falls out to the floor. Rollins, Ambrose and The Outlaws have words outside the ring. Punk comes back in and Reigns keeps control, keeping Punk grounded and working on his ribs. Reigns with a big slam for another 2 count. Reigns drops a big elbow for another 2 count on Punk. Punk rolls out of the way and Reigns lands hard. Punk fights back out of the corner and nails a crossbody but can't hold the pin. Punk goes for the running knee in the corner but Reigns catches him and applies a bear hug. Reigns with a big Samoan Drop for another 2 count. Reigns readies for the Superman punch but Punk moves out of the way. Punk drops Reigns with a big kick to the head. More words between The NAO and Rollins and Ambrose on the floor. Punk with more kicks on Reigns now. 

Punk unloads on Reigns with clotheslines and a neckbreaker but Reigns kicks out at 1. Punk with another running knee and another pin attempt. Punk with another high knee and an elbow for 2. Punk goes to the top but Reigns cuts him off with big right hands. Reigns climbs up for a superplex but Punk fights him off and sends him to the mat. Punk nails the big elbow drop from up high. Punk calls for GTS. Ambrose gets on the apron but Road Dogg pulls him off. Ambrose sends Dogg into the steel steps. Billy Gunn clotheslines Ambrose but runs into Rollins. Punk leaps out and takes out Rollins. Punk springboards back into the ring but Reigns meets him in mid-air with a Superman punch for a very close 2 count. Reigns readies for a spear but Punk moves out of the way. Punk with a roll up for 2. Fans chant "this is awesome" as they get to their feet. Punk nails a huge kick to the head for another close pin attempt. Punk goes for GTS again but Reigns fights out with elbows to the face. Punk with another running knee. Punk knocks Ambrose off the apron but turns around to a huge spear for the win. 

Winner: Roman Reigns 

- After the match, Rollins and Ambrose hit the ring and they are pumped to celebrate with Reigns. The music hits and out comes Jake "The Snake" Roberts wit his snake in the bag. The Outlaws and Punk get up to clean house of The Shield. Punk spins around and nails a big GTS on Ambrose. Jake enters the ring and dumps the snake out on Ambrose. Jake rubs the snake in Ambrose's face and lets it crawl around for a second. Rollins and Reigns leave the ring as Jake plays with his snake and RAW goes off the air. 

Source : ringsidenews

WWE RAW - January 06, 2014

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